Tuesday, October 07, 2008

photos of Medicine Lake, Jasper...

Here are some more photos I took on a day off, last Saturday, at Medicine Lake here in Jasper. It's about a 30 minute drive from the town of Jasper, and I've been up there several times. As you'll see it's looking pretty dramatic with the fall colors against the gray backdrop of the mountains; plus I lucked out and came upon a herd of curious bighorn sheep alongside the road:


Anonymous said...

Cool Pictures of Bighorns! Up close, that is pretty amazing that they come up to the roads like that. I remember seeing a couple up in Canada a few years back , traveling the roads too.

Unknown said...

Those are some gorgeous photos. I love the colors and composition--very classical. Thanks for the reminder to check your blog!
I hope you're having fun and that we'll see you next time you're in Portland.