Saturday, September 27, 2008

video filmed on Kauai

I was watching TV here in Jasper the other night, and happened to see this video (click the subject line for the link). It's filmed in and around the little town of Hanalei, on the north shore of Kauai, which I was camping a few miles from when I was in Hawaii back in April. It's actually the last stop on the way to the Na Pali coast and is a really cute little town. Notice the Bubba Burgers restaurant, I ate there a few times. And the dock that the girls are all jumping off is in Hanalei Bay, where I went to the beach just about every day. I think the scenery in the very beginning is the Kalalau Valley, or at least somewhere on the Na Pali coast. Basically I recognize just about everything in the video...(Didn't see the cute girl riding around on a bike, though.)

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