Sunday, July 29, 2007

My traumatic experience with

If you'll indulge me for just a minute or three, I have a little story to tell. A couple days ago I visited the site just to see, for once, what they were saying on the other side of the blogosphere. It was basically what you would expect. The usual right-wing talking points, ranting and raving (not that we do that or anything, of course). But at the same time, I'll admit, it was a mite intriguing. Here I was cavorting with the enemy, so to speak.

So, for the fun of it I decided to enter the fray and join the discussion. I commented. I blogged with abandon. I danced and weaved my arguments with great passion, and parried when attacked, which was often. It was just what I was in the mood for. All was going so well, I almost forgot about the potential pitfalls...

And then, it happened. Quite abruptly and without warning (despite the fact that their rules state they will give notice first) I was banned. Upon trying to login at one point, I was informed that my username was blocked or deactivated. My heart sank. I couldn't believe it. Surely this was a mistake. They weren't actually THAT petty and cowardly, were they? But sadly, apparently it was so.

And yet, I had experienced such heights of joy, I couldn't surrender so easily....I quickly created a new email address and lickity-split I was back in action, blogging merrily away amongst the hordes of Fox-defenders and Bush-lovers, defying their simplistic arguments with actual evidence and critical thinking.

This was where I wanted to be! This was my calling! Maybe, just maybe, I could manage to turn one or two away from the ravages of Darth Cheney, and give them a glimpse of the light! Yes, I would show them the truth, and they would love me for it!!

But no, it was not meant to be. Tragically, it happened again. After successfully sending through a particularly witty comment, I went on to write yet another response, satisfying those deep primal urges like only blogging can. And then, I was denied. My comment failed to post this time. I was informed, once again, that my username was no longer recognized, barely an hour after it had been created.

But it was even worse than that, my friends--much, much worse. I can barely even speak ( the words. So, I'll just shout it out loud, for all to hear. I then tried to reload their homepage, to see if at least my previous comments still remained on the site, only to encounter......stark whiteness. Nothing. A mysterious, unrelenting vaccuum staring out at me from my dusty pc. THEY BLOCKED MY COMPUTER!!!!!!!! The horror!!

Seriously, they blocked my computer from entering their site whatsoever. (Luddite that I am, I didn't even know this was possible.) And no, folks, I was not using loads of four-letter words, threatening people with metaphorical uzis or suggesting (like, for example, Bill O'Reilly once did on the air) that terrorists attacking a certain American city would be just fine. No, I was simply blogging away as bloggers do, opinionated and quite possibly annoying, but not much worse than that. But apparently, if you don't follow in single-file lockstep behind their right-wing credo, then you are not allowed to exist in their corner of the blogosphere. Some democratic, free speech forum they have over there.

So, my fellow progressives, liberals, dems, rebels-with-a-cause, I'm calling for action. If you feel the call, (or rather hear it, I guess, smell it, whatever) go to! Comment! Opine! Because, apparently, that is what they fear most.

And by the way, if you happen to be curious who this offending liberal is (because my comments might still be up there, they were from my first username) it's gabejedmo (or else gabejedmo1, my second ill-fated username). Look around and you may find the faded shadow of my ghost lurking in the corners of that website, somewhat dejected, but certainly not down for the count. I'm simply keeping my profile low, I tell you; awaiting the most auspicious time to come forth again and make my presence known. Because, god willing, I shall not cower in vain. I will not be pushed around by people in suits and ties, with perfectly-cropped side-burns and glaringly-white teeth, and expensive watches, and fancy, silken underwear and large belt buckles and....well, whatever right-wingers wear. I will be back...I WILL BE BACK!!! But if not, maybe you will redeem me, stand up for freedom all across this great nation of bloggers and help fight against the voices of tyranny and insanity (seriously) and blog a little for me. Check it out. And let them feel the wrath (but in a generally polite sorta way) of the liberal.

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