Wi-fi can be so random. As a traveler I have obviously seen the full range of wi-fi. Fast, slow, weird. Connections that go in and out constantly, drop randomly, speed up and slow down considerably, especially when it comes to uploading videos.
When I was working in Alaska a few months ago the wi-fi at the employee housing was ridiculously slow. It would take 10 hours or more to upload a video, depending on the file size obviously (length of the video, basically). Once though, I was on the computer and I noticed the upload had picked up speed. It had hours and hours to go, but then suddenly it started zooming and the video uploaded in ten minutes. That never happened again on that connection. A strange blip of internet turbo power.
It's always a real crapshoot when picking hotels as far as how good the wi-fi is going to be. It matters a lot for me because super slow wi-fi can slow down my whole operation of posting videos and really hold things up, leaving me with finished videos lined up that I can't get posted. People might write reviews about a hotel saying the wi-fi is great, but they most likely mean for browsing the internet, which can be completely different from trying to upload or download stuff.