I had never seriously considered the 9/11 conspiracy theory, that the Twin Towers were brought down by explosives rather than the results of the planes hitting them, until seeing 3 online videos recently. The evidence is beyond compelling, maybe not quite conclusive, but damn close. Only further investigation can determine that; but that investigation needs to happen. The more I look at those clips of the buildings falling, the more impossible it seems that they were a result of an internal fire that weakened the structures and then caused them to collapse.
A few key points to keep in mind: In the history of burning skyscrapers, there are only 3 instances of steel buildings collapsing as a result of fire: World Trade Center 1, World Trade Center 2, and World Trade Center 7, all on the same day, 9/11/01. Skyscrapers have burned for days and still stood, their basic structure still mostly intact. The Twin Towers were built specifically to be able to withstand hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, and yes, even jetliners flying into them. And yet they both crumbled to the ground after only an hour of internal fire that was confined to a few of the upper floors. And WTC 7 collapsed without having been hit by an airplane, and with even less internal fire damage than the Twin Towers.....anyway, I'll quit blabbering on the subject, but if you're interested in seeing a lot more detailed evidence that supports this theory and others, then check out these movies: